2FA Settings

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It is possible to change the two-factor authentication configuration for login within the application here.

The two-factor authentication is based on TOTP. A TOTP (time-based one-time password) is a temporary passcode generated by an algorithm that uses the current time of day as one of its authentication factors. TOTP is commonly used for two factor authentication. It is free to use and requires no internet connection to work.

With the Reset 2FA button, you will reset the configuration for all users. They will be asked to configure two-factor authentication again at first log in.

Specify the following two-factor authentication settings here:

Two-factor authentication Off :  If two factor authentication is set off,  users won’t be asked/reminded to log in with

Two-factor authentication optional :  Specify if two-factor authentication should be available for the users to choose

Two-factor authentication required :  If two factor authentication is set as required, all users who do not have two factor authentication enabled will be forced to enable it the next time they log in.

Notify when user is locked : Get a warning/ alarm message, when a user account gets locked after 3 failed login attempts.

Notification Template:  Specify which notification template will be used. Click here for further information about Notification Template

Notification Groups: Which groups should receive the notification when a user is locked. Click here for further information about Notification Groups.

TOTP authenticator apps are supported on multiple popular platforms. In this list are authenticator apps supported by: Android, iOS, Windows Phone and KaiOS. You can use one of the following apps to use TOTP authentication. Check with your organization which app you are allowed to use.

- TOTP Authenticator (Android and iOS)

- Google Authenticator (Android and iOS)

- Microsoft Authenticator (Android, Windows Phone and iOS)

- FreeOTP Authenticator (Android and iOS)

- Authy (Android and iOS)

- 2FA Authenticator (Android and iOS)

- TUNIX KeyApp (Android and iOS)

- WinOTP (Windows Phone Only)

- andOTP (Android Only)

- Aegis Authenticator (Android Only)

- Auth Assistant (KaiOS only)

NB:  If you are Super User and delete the TOTP authenthicator app, contact the helpdesk.