About Telegram

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Notifications can be received by SMS, Email and Telegram.

Telegram is very similar to WhatsApp, it is an application that allows you to communicate with each other. You can send pictures, messages, etc. Where WhatsApp makes itself known with your mobile phone, you need an account for Telegram.

This ensures that you can easily use Telegram on a lot of devices, not just your mobile!


Telegram has users, these are usually people, but can also be a piece of program. For example, the application can pretend to be a user. These users can recognize real people because there is a bot sign behind their name.

A robotized user is called a bot (actually a robot). A bot is designed and programmed to have an interactive conversation with people. If you, as a user, identify yourself as a bot, you do not do this by logging in, but by giving a token.

If you have this token, you can have the bot send a message and read the last 100 messages the bot received within the last 24 hours with a snippet of code.


Telegram uses a bot called “BotFather”, which the Super User can use to create his bot for the application.

To create your own bot, to Telegram.

1. Open Telegram and go to the search button at the top right.

2. Search for “botfather”. Select the top most search result (botfather with a blue checkmark)

3. With the command “/ newbot” you create a new bot. (if you have never spoken to the BotFather before you must click on the "start" button first)

4. The botFather now asks for a name, the name can be whatever you want and is visible to all Telegram users.

5. The BotFater now asks for a username, the username must be unique and must end with “bot”.

6. Your bot now has been created.

7. The BotFater will send you the token for your bot. You need this token in the application.

8. Close the botfather (arrow at topleft corner)

9. Go to the search button at the top right and search for your new bot

10. Select your bot and click  on "start".

The Super USer can fill in the Token in Admin/ Escalation Settings

User notifications settings

The User has to install the Telegram app on his phone or other device and create his own Telegram user account.

The bot needs someone's user ID to send them a message. The bot can read and store someone's user ID when the bot receives a message from that person. A bot does not have rights to message someone if that person has not yet sent a message to the bot, even if the bot already has that user's ID.

To give the bot, which is created for this application, permission to send messages to you:

1. Open Telegram and go to the search button at the top right.

2. Search for the bot and select it.

3. Click on the "start" button. The bot now has permission to send you messages.

Each user can request his own user ID by sending “/ myid” to a bot with the user name: “@myidbot”.

Do the following to get your own Telegram ID:

1. Open Telegram and go to the search button at the top right.

2. Search for a bot named: “myidbot”.  Select the top most search result

3. With the command “/getid” you get your own Telegram ID. (if you have never spoken to this bot before you must click on the "start" button first)

To receive notifications in Telegram he adds his Telegram user ID in My settings/ User notifications

The application will now send Telegram messages to the correct bot-token id and telegram-user id combination