Files Template

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In the File Template you can set standard monitoring parameters for later use.

Monitoring On: If monitoring is set off, a new file will not be monitored.

Should Exist: get a warning/ alarm message, when the file or directory does not exists.

Ransomware monitoring On: If monitoring is set off,  no ransomware will be detected.

Untrusted applications in quarantine On:  If monitoring is set off,  the processes that trigger the ransomware detection will not be quaratined.

Untrusted IP addresses in quarantine On:  If monitoring is set off,  the IP address that triggers the  ransomware detection will not added to the firewall.

Notification Template: Specify which notification template will be used. Click here for further information about Notification Template.

Notification Groups: Which groups should receive the notifications. Click here for further information about Notification Notifications and Groups.

You will receive warnings when an attack happens, but the ransomware monitoring is set off or appliactions/IP addresses will not be quarantined. When you first install an new Agent, the best way to learn how your network behaviours is to set off the ransomware monitoring, view all notifications and configure the processes and IP's that you trust. Example notification: