Horizontal Bar

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For making a Bar it is important that your database table has columns with strings and integers. For a Horizontal Bar is needed one String and one Number as input, so the Bar can be created correctly.

This is an example of how a Horizontal Bar looks like in the Dashboard:

You can first "Select Table to use", you will then see the information that is in that table. For making a Bar it is important that you have columns in your database table that are strings and integers. For a Horizontal Bar it is needed that you use one String input and one Number input, so the Bar can be created correctly.

After selecting Horizontal bar, you'll get the options to select columns, so choose one column "Data Labels" with String input and one column "Values" with numbers as input. Give both Axes a name via the Data Title and Values Title.

Concerning the values you'll get advise about the Minimum and Maximum value on you Values Axe. Also determine how many steps there should be in the Value Axe.

The result is shown by clicking on Preview.

You can choose for each item which groups are allowed to view the Item.