Rules Template

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If you receive notifications from files or directories of no interest, you can make a blocked rule to suppress those messages or exclude rule to even stop the monitoring/reporting of these files or directories.

You can make a rule from the Super or Normal User Menu. If you make a rule from the Super User Menu it applies to all file servers.

From the Normal User Menu it applies only to the file server you have chosen.

Alerted rule: get always notifications (even if it is a file in a blocked or excluded rule folder). It can be used for important and/or confidential data or as a honeypot.

Blocked rule: get no notifications, all messages can be found in all events. The files are still monitored and guarded.

Excluded rule: Monitoring and ransomware protection are set off. An excluded rule folder takes precedence over blocked rules.

You can take further actions via Add blocked rule or Add alerted rule or Add excluded rule