June, 2023
New features
- Service Hardening: With this new feature we have added an anti-tamper functionality and a watchdog that restarts itself, if the service crashes or stops. You can set this per system according to your needs, so you can set up a workstation differently than a file server or a Cloud Agent. (Read more in the Technical Note to Service Hardening )
Fixes and enhancements
- Improvement in the automatic restart of the Agent.
Technical note to Service Hardening
- Function: Protecting the Agent Service running on the system. You do this by upgrading the Service Hardening feature. An anti-tamper functionality and a watchdog have been added for this, which restarts itself, if the service crashes or stops.
- Current situation: You will now receive a standard notification when the Agent has been stopped for more than 5 minutes. These can also be systems that are switched off. After the update this remains the same, with all Agents it is then set to ‘Notification only’.
The new feature is set up in the ‘Security’ tab of the ‘Agent Settings’ under the heading ‘Agent service security settings’.
– Upgrade: If you are going to use the new feature, there are 2 new options.
- Prevent stopping services: Prevents users from stopping the Agent via the Windows Services
- Prevent stopping services and backgroundprocesses: Prevents users from stopping the Agent all together. An extra watchdog is installed to make sure the Agent keeps running.
NB: When the user or a process stops this watchdog, the system will reboot immediately. Make sure to whitelist <agent install directory>\bin\watchdog.exe in your virus scanner.
If you want to set up multiple Agents, you can do so easily at ‘Copy Settings’. For the correct settings for new VDSS Agents, the ‘Security Template’ in the ‘Super User Menu’ can be used.
May, 2023
New features
- Because you as a customer are central and we give priority to your wishes, we adapt our developments accordingly. These developments first run in intermediate versions at the customer who submitted the request. In this version all the developments off the 09.07.xx versions have been combined. In this way, all new developments will be available to everyone in this new version.
March, 2023
New features
- Extra button in ‘All Events’ page: ‘Make Report’. This makes it possible to search for different types of user actions within a chosen time frame.
December, 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- Notifications can be filtered by mutated, deleted, listed and failed in the rules. This version has a change in the filtering of the listed messages, so that the VDSS server receives less data.
December, 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- Large file names are handled correctly during monitoring.
- The filtering regarding ‘listed’ and ‘excluded’ notifications in ‘Agent settings/rules’ has been improved.
- In Details it is possible to save the time frame. This time frame specifies the period in which the history messages are displayed.
- Textual improvements.
November, 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- Actions on files, such as mutated, opened or failed, can be notified or written to “all events”. You can also choose to completely exclude files from monitoring, changes will then not be tracked. This can all be set in the “rules”. The filtering of the actions on files can be done in great detail, for example you can filter on file name, type of action, user name or IP number. The filtering by the type of action has been improved.
- The type of OS is displayed in the user interface for all VDSS Agents. Customization in the GUI renders Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 correctly.
- Performance improvement of VDSS Server and Agent.
November, 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- From now on, file names or paths with semicolons (;) will be stored appropriately, which means that, among other things, notification will be correct.
November, 2022
New features
- VDSS can send notifications via SMS, Telegram and email. The emails were sent via MS Exchange server. With this new version it is also possible to send emails via mailjet (relay server)
November, 2022
New features
- In addition to the existing options for filtering notifications on ‘mutated’, ‘opened’, ‘deleted’ and ‘listed’, there is now also the option to filter on ‘failed’.
Fixes and enhancements
- A VDSS server, installed on a different hard disk than the C drive, now sends emails without any problems.
October 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- Performance improvement: The Server will continue if the Agent is ready.
October 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- For easy configuration of multiple agents, the function is copy settings. When copying settings, the agent table refresh is disabled.
- Performance improvement in copy settings, Agent software and Agent uninstall.
- Performance improvement when searching in all events.
- When adding a new user, the watermark in the user name is automatically removed.
- Correct representation of the VDSS server in SUM/Admin/Licenses.
- Deleted group will also be deleted from dash items from now on.
October 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- Setting the period in all events works properly. This makes it easy to search in a period or make an export about this period.
September 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- Database backup now works with MySQL 8.0.
- Database backup restore asks for a password now.
August 2022
Fixes and enhancements
- Security update in the VDSS Server services.
- Expiration date of blocked and excluded rules has been updated and made more user-friendly. For example, from now on the legible date will be displayed instead of a number.
- Linguistic improvements in the email, SMS and Telegram you receive.
- Groups are now also removed from the notification groups when deleted.
- With copy settings, the configuration works as new and the copying of the groups works better.
- When changing the VDSS Services to manual start e.g. you will receive an alarm. If the Service is then set to automatic again, you will receive an OK message.
July 2022
New features
- The debug level of an Agent can be temporarily increased via the GUI, due to improving the helpdesk / support.
- Via the GUI, a zip can be requested from an Agent, due to improving the helpdesk / support. The Agent will send it to the server.
- It is possible to enter a user name and password at the ‘Email Server Send Settings’ in the GUI.
Fixes and enhancements
- If a process is in alarm and you indicate that this is a trusted application, the Show will also be set to green.
- ‘Alle events’ loading is accelerated.
- MySQL server has been upgraded to version 8.0.
- Measured value at ‘Notifications’ no longer starts with a : character.
- Making process trusted under ‘Notifications’ is displayedcorrectly.
- Extra check built into Files that a pipe character is not possible.
- On a file with a caret in the name, the automatic auditing has been improved.
- At Language and Start screen, in the ‘Personalization’, the selection list no longer has an empty option.
- With ‘All events’, the search also works with an Agent’s alias.
- In ‘Rules’, single quote now works in blocked, excluded and alerted rules.
- At ‘Rules’, the message is expanded if a rule is created twice by the user.
- It is possible to add a telegram with less than 10 numbers to ‘User notifications’.
- At ‘Inventory’ the selection list of the Agent heartbeat and basic has been adjusted, so that there are no empty options.
- In ‘Copy settings’, the hidden notifications are now also properly copied.
- Start Date-Time and Last Message at ‘Agent Software’ are now also filled.
- Only notifications older than 24 hours are deleted by default.
- Event Log security message 1310 prevented, by adjusting login procedure.
- Changing password via ‘Account settings’ is now possible without error messages.
- Windows versions are displayed more clearly in ‘Inventory’.
- Time display adjusted when a file has been modified multiple times.
- ‘Agent services’ communication improved.
- Improved cleaning up old backups.
- Windows 2022 better displayed.
- When entering port number in ‘Agent Software’, the previous error message disappears.
- Cleaned up server scripts that are not being used.
- Improved server process handling.
- Cleaned up agent scripts that are not being used.
- When installing the Server, there is a better check on MySQL administrator password.
- When installing the Agent, VDSS is recommended as an addition when browsing the installation directory.
- When installing the Agent in a directory with spaces, there is no longer an error message about the windows boot settings.
- When installing the Agent, the setup.exe was renamed due to occasional library failures during installation.
- When installing the Agent, dots and dashes are now also allowed in the name.
- When installing the Agent, the Next button can only be used once the license terms have been agreed.
- When installing the Agent, the visible command boxes are now invisible.
- Removing an Agent also removes the update directory.
- Adjusted automatic monitoring of a directory that disappears and then reappears.
- At ‘Inventory’ there is a “Refresh Off” button.
- Made ‘Time window’ graphically more user-friendly.
- User Interface made suitable for large environments, eg replacing listboxes with tables with search function.
- Number of textual changes.
April 2022
Changelog VDSS 09.06.10
Fixes and enhancements
- When upgrading a “not responding agent”, the upgrade is still performed when the Agent connects again.
- When upgrading many Agents at the same time, the upgrades are scheduled to avoid overload.
- Hidden notifications from an Agent are shown again when the Agent is configured as new.
- Bugfix: when installing Agent with an alternative installation path.
- Where an Agent upgrade has been performed several times in a row without the Agent reacting, the last upgrade entered is used.
- Agent software page will be refreshed by an Agent upgrade from now on.
- Bugfix: when copying Agents, the ransomware settings are correctly copied.
- Correct messages in the upgrade log when upgrading Agent Software in Admin.
- Improved checks when entering a file name and rules, including length and foreign characters.
- Correct display of VDSS message on Dutch Windows
- Content and /or linguistic improvements.
- Correct content of all Windows types in the inventory.
February 2022
New features
- Performance improvement VDSS server
- Performance improvement inventory page
February 2022
Patch 1
- When upgrading an agent to version 090609, a not responding message if it cannot connect to the VDSS server.
March 2022
Patch 2
- Improved filename entry check
- Improved server security and performance
January 2022
New features
- Agent up and agent down notifications can be hidden from now on. They are no longer visible
- The hidden notifications are located in NUM /Agent settings / hidden notifications. By clicking on the link here, they will become visible again in Notifications and All Events.
- With Copy settings (in both NUM and SUM) the hidden notifications can be copied to other agents.
December 2021
Fixes and enhancements
- The firewall is no longer checked, if there are no quarantined IP addresses.
December 2021
New features
- Two Factor Authentication: TOTP (time-based one-time password) is used to create a temporary login code using an algorithm, here time is used as one of the authentication factors. It is free and an internet connection is not required.
- Version management agent: an agent version is indicated whether it is a debug (Dx) , development (Ox), test (Tx) or acceptance (Ax) edition, where x is the version number of thee edition.
- In the Agent Software and Agent Remove screen, “Available Systems” can have the status “New”, so it is clearly which systems are not yet configured, especially in SaaS environment.
- The fields checks in processes have been adjusted, so that fewer mistakes can be made.
- A Linux agent does not block ip addresses, this is indicated in the user interface with “–”.
- By disabling “Notification when backup fails”, the groups, notification template and notification at the end of backup will be disabled.
- Space from service path variable protected after security auditing, by putting quotes around it.
- Notifications are still sent even though server_down status exists.
- A watch account cannot quarantine processes via the notifications screen
- Groups that are still used in two-factor authentication, backup and elsewhere cannot be deleted.
- Notification templates that are still used in two-factor authentication, backup and elsewhere cannot be deleted.
- When a system is configured as New in Copy Settings, the File Template will also be created. In addition, if you have not chosen any systems, a warning will appear.
- At Sum/ Users/ Notifications, the checkbox at notifications is now also provided with the latest styling.
- The notification template day and night settings have been styled more neatly and user-friendly.
- Holidays adapted to the latest styling.
October 2021
New feature
- A permanent delete of files will be notified.
October 2021
Fixes and enhancements
- Directories can be completely removed from monitoring via the rules menu, to ensure that they do not end up in the reporting or SIEM system, eg a tmp directory.
- Ransomware settings can be set per file instead of for the entire agent.
- At all events, the “Reload Off” button disables the reload, so you can analyze the data quietly.
- In the Copy Settings screen, new systems in “Available Systems” have the status “New”, so it is clear which systems are not yet configured, especially in SaaS environment.
- In the Copy Settings screen, it is now possible to remove all settings and set the system to status “New”, after which you can reconfigure the system from scratch. This can be especially useful in a SaaS environment.
- Two buttons have been added to the Normal User Menu containing all events and notifications of the system you are working with. So that you can quickly access information about that system in the Normal User Menu.
- In VDDS Show an indication per folder how many agents are behind it.
- To prevent an avalanche of notifications: When an Agent quarantines a process, but keeps trying to start it, from now on there will be two notifications that it is trying to start and one notification every 15 minutes how many times he has tried.
- A “wait a moment” is built into Copy Settings if the action takes longer than 4 seconds.
- Inventory has a “Reload” button, so you don’t have to wait for the automatic refresh when installing a new agent.
- Remove agent has a “Reload” button, so you don’t have to wait for the automatic refresh when you remove it.
- When an agent’s groups are copied, it is now copied correctly.
- Notification settings now remain even after deleting an agent.
- It is no longer possible to delete the templates in the Copy Settings menu.
September 2021
Fixes and enhancements
- Sending telegram messages no longer crashes when notifying to already deleted groups.
- The messages in the mails and telegram messages have been linguistically improved.
November 2021
New feature VDSS 09.06.01
- Agents can now be updated via a secure connection.
- Agent is modified so that when busy, the Agent also continues to log on to the server.
- Agent can be installed with MSI installer.
- Server performance improved when an Agent is not responding.
- When adding files to the monitoring, the auditing settings are automatically adjusted.
- The Agent software can be downloaded from the user interface.
- Reliable processes/applications and IP addresses can be removed from quarantine directly from the notification screen.
- Added quarantine options.
- Improved page numbering in all events and notifications screen.
- Group settings of one Agent can be copied to other Agents, from the super user menu.
May 2021
New feature VDSS 09.06.00
- Telegram: In addition to email and SMS, it is now also possible to receive notifications via Telegram.
Telegram is very similar to WhatsApp, it is an application that allows you to communicate with each other and send photos, messages, etc. However, where WhatsApp identifies itself with your mobile phone, you need an account for Telegram. This makes Telegram easy to use on many devices and not just the mobile.
- Extra information in personal settings: Information is included here, about your account in which group you are a member and the components and the rights you have to them.
- The dashboard can display the “Show”, “notifications” and “all events” pages. These can be shown rotating in the dashboard along with other Dash items.
Fixes and enhancements VDSS 09.06.00
- The personal settings have been redesigned and moved from the Normal User Menu to the top right of the screen.
- If the auditing settings are set incorrectly, an alarm will be sent from now on and also an ok if they are corrected.
- Calendar has a new style.
- The folder name for grouping components can now be modified.
- The POC (proof of concept) starts in https.
- If white label, the correct name is now displayed during the backup procedure.
- Improved field check in time window and trusted processes.
- During a restart, the error message “wrong license” is delayed for a few seconds.
- When adding file names in Agent settings, filled in file names are entered and empty file names are ignored.
December 21, 2020
Changelog VDSS 09.05.07
Minor changes VDSS 09.05.07
White labeling of VDSS for Cyber Data Defense
December 14, 2020
Changelog VDSS 09.05.06
Fixes and enhancements VDSS 09.05.06
- In the trusted processes windows, the backslash is also written into the database
December 7, 2020
Changelog VDSS 09.05.05
Fixes and enhancements VDSS 09.05.05
- New userinterface
- Support of Linux and macOS
- The colors of the VDSS User Interface are adjustable and modernized per user. This allows each user to choose their own color for alarms
May 2020
Changelog VDSS 09.05.04
Fixes and enhancements VDSS 09.05.04
- Export possibility for reports to CSV and PDF format files
- Monitoring continues if the system is put into safe mode
- VDSS always notifies in case of a ransomware threat, even if the threat has already disappeared in real time
- Audit settings are automatically checked when monitoring files
- When adding new files in the monitoring, advice is given by GUI in case of incorrect input
- Adding multiple files, trusted processes and trusted IP’s is now possible in the same screen
- Deletion of an Agent is now controlled centrally from the Server, a local delete is no longer possible
- A NEW tag has been visually added to new agents
- Copying of settings is made possible from one agent to other Agents
- Encryption / Security adapted
- Files without a dot are also reported when deleted
- Placeholders are placed in text areas containing examples
- Continuous display of status, when a backup is manual started.
- Display of status when upgrading Agents
- User working with application gets a popup if the application is stopped due to ransomware threat
- Warning if you enter email or text message with user, but it is not configured
- When clicking on the help documentation in the Show, the groups will no longer collapse
- From Email ID is no longer a required field
- Textually, the filtering of files has changed in the User Interface to rules (blocked and always alerted messages)
- File Audit alarm remains until file is removed from monitoring whether the settings are set correctly
- Index Out of Range notification if Session has expired resolved
- Improved switching in Show Detail page between different Agents
- The Y-axis is remembered for multiple lines of dash items in the dashboard
- Help documentation has been expanded
March 2020
Changelog VDSS 09.05.03
Fixes and enhancements VDSS 09.05.03
- When adding a folder / file in the monitoring, the Auditing Settings are automatically checked
- If a file is not correctly placed in the monitoring, an OK will now follow if all settings are correct
- Failed Logins are now reported with an Alarm status
- Show also displays Warnings, in addition to OK and Alarm
- OK message when starting the Agent
- The notification of a missing file is sent once by the Agent
- Edit, Delete and Help icons have supporting text displayed
- The bars in the Show are now completely clickable
- Pointer appears when hovering over the login button
- In the Super User Menu, Dashboard has been changed to Dashboard Items
- Ransomware Settings tab is now called Ransomware
- License Check of the Server at startup is more robust
- Default sortings for new users
- Read license button of the Agent setup works
- Username remains case sensitive by deleting an user from a group
- After installation of the Server, the installation log files are deleted
- Agent always receives the Server Key for error-free communication
- File notifications has a more accurate time
- The service of the VDSS server has been improved, a restart of the Windows server is no longer required
- Help link is fixed in Super User Menu and Dashboard Items
- Help documentation has been expanded
Changelog VDSS 09.05.02
December 2019
- Support for white label
November 2019
Changelog VDSS 09.05.01
Fixes and enhancements VDSS 09.05.01
- Notifications screen is graphically adjusted
- Acknowledged Ransomeware notifications will no longer be deleted, but will remain until the danger has passed
- New users can create reports
- Only the manual refresh will work after setting a period in reports. Automatic refresch is set off
- The Report Refresh rate is personally adjustable
- The correct status is stored in reports, even if an action on your files is not notified via email or SMS
- starting a VDSS Agent is notified as OK
- Hash file on Agent is no longer growing
- In the list of killed processes, only the responsible (child) processes are shown
- When a Firewall rule is changed, this will also be updated in the User Interface
- Files without a point are now treated as Files or Directories, the VDSS Agent reports this now
- Performance improved if Notifications table contains more than 1 million records
- Performance improved if more than 80 million records are stored
- Performance improved if entire disks are monitored, without specifying important files on this disk
Oktober 2019
Changelog VDSS 09.05.00
New feature VDSS 09.05.00
- Upgraded Encryption
September 2019
Changelog VDSS 09.04.00
New feature VDSS 09.04.00
- Ransomware is stopped immediatly
- Workstations are blocked by the firewall when a ransomware attack is detected
- Processes (in later cases also the parent processes) will be stopped immediately when sensitive data is attacked
- Ability to specify trusted processes and trusted IP addresses
Fixes and enhancements VDSS 09.04.00
- User interface upgrade completed
- Replace MSSQL with localDB
- Slashes in file settings are stored in database with /